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Rochester 5th Ward Information

In an attempt to close the gap between city government and its citizens, especially those I represent in Rochester's Fifth Ward, I will try to provide timely updates on issues and concerns that are under consideration for council action as well as any specific concerns you bring to my attention.

My Photo
Location: Rochester, Minnesota, United States

IBM retiree after 32 years, positions in service, marketing, product development, business and product strategy. Many community volunteer boards and committees including Diversity Council, IMAA, Sesquicentennial, RNeighbors (formerly Rochester Neighborhood Resource Center). Elected to City Council in 2002. Represent 5th Ward. Member Environmental Commission, ROCOG (Rochester Olmsted Council of Governments), State Emergency Radio Board, Co-Chair Kiwanis/Wells Fargo Hockey Festival, State Emergency Radio Board

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Let's Talk

I know that there are a lot of questions about problems the city faces as we grow and especially questions about why we on the council make some of the decisions we make. It's tough enough to do when you get inundated by recommendations from "expert" consultants, city staff, special interest groups, state and city statutes in the land development guide and the like so I can only imagine what you must be thinking ... and that's my problem.

Just what are you thinking?

I can do a much better job if I know what you think or know about the matter at hand. This "blog" is my latest attempt at reaching out to you. In it I'll attempt to let you know what I know about an issue, why I'm thinking like I am, and probably how I'll vote on the matter. I do try to keep an open mind and would like to know what YOU think. It's important to me and to the best interest of all the residents of our fair city.

I host weekly breakfast meetings at Grandma's Kitchen in the Silver Lake Shopping Center. I'm there every Friday that I'm in town from 7 am to about 8:30 am. I buy the coffee, you bring the problems. Look for the red "City COuncil Spoken Here" sign on the table ... usually in the back of the large seating area. Ask any of the staff if in doubt.

I also have been stoping at homes to check with you on how things are going. I do this randomly and in good weather and have about 16,000 residents so it might be a while before I get to you. Don't wait for me. Call me and we can talk on the phone, meet for coffee, or I'll be very happy to meet at your house with you and any of your neighbors. OK?

What do you think of a regular -- say once or twice a year -- ward meeting. Say at Century HS or some other location? Been wanting to do this since election but my past investigations told me that not many people wanted to come to "another meeting" so I'd held off from doing this.

My email is bnowicki@ci.rochester.mn.us. or barefoot@juno.com
Home Phone is (507) 285-0295 Cell (507) 951-7677 Or you can reply by posting our comment using the "comment" box at the bottom or this "blog".

Thanks and keep in touch. Pass the word.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Nowicki - when are we going to see some roundabouts??

June 06, 2005 6:24 PM  
Blogger Bob Nowicki said...

??? I've been an advocate of roundabouts ever since my return from a 2 year assignment in jolly ol' England in the mid 1980's. I keep on trying and will continue to do so. Been getting some support from our traffic engineers but the right project hasn't turned up yet. And if this is Don, then you know how I feel about this because you were there too!

June 06, 2005 10:22 PM  

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