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Rochester 5th Ward Information

In an attempt to close the gap between city government and its citizens, especially those I represent in Rochester's Fifth Ward, I will try to provide timely updates on issues and concerns that are under consideration for council action as well as any specific concerns you bring to my attention.

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Location: Rochester, Minnesota, United States

IBM retiree after 32 years, positions in service, marketing, product development, business and product strategy. Many community volunteer boards and committees including Diversity Council, IMAA, Sesquicentennial, RNeighbors (formerly Rochester Neighborhood Resource Center). Elected to City Council in 2002. Represent 5th Ward. Member Environmental Commission, ROCOG (Rochester Olmsted Council of Governments), State Emergency Radio Board, Co-Chair Kiwanis/Wells Fargo Hockey Festival, State Emergency Radio Board

Friday, September 01, 2006

A Little Bit of Catchin' Up

It's been a while since I posted an update and to those of you who tune in regularily I apologize. Funny how fast time flies when you're having fun.

A few short updates ...

DECORAH EDGE ORDINANCE: The council unanimously approved an ordinance that would protect that area near the Decorah Edge thought to purify potential drinking water from damage by development thereby reducing the potential of contamination of our drinking water. This was the result of many people representing environmental interests, developers, the public, city planning, and public works. All of us who care about the future of our drinking water thank everyone involved in the creation of this ordinance.

TIF MONEY FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING: A request for Tax Increment Financing (TIF) to help reduce the overall cost of a newly built home in the Pebble Creek area therby helping to build more "affordable" housing was discussed at the August 21 Committee of the Whole meeting. A presentation of the availability of houses in the under $140,ooo range was given to the council by a real estate representative and after much discussion the council tentatively decided not to support this request. There did not seem to be a need for action to correct a shortage of housing in this price range, and especially for the use of tax dollars to do so I felt. I would much rather look at other ways to help builder/developers keep their costs down that would not have you and I paying for it. There are and have been special concessions made realtive to land density, street widths, etc that could help in this area and these will be looked at in the future.

VETERANS MEMORIAL RE-DEDICATION/ FIELD OF FLAGS: The Veterans Memorial was re-dedicated with the unveiling of a Nurse/Corpsman statue on Saturday, AUgust 26. It was a very moving and special occasion with song, displays, the visit of a National Guard Blackhawk helicopter, and best of all a very touching short speach by Senator Bob DOle. To make this event even more memorable, the Rochester Kiwanis Clubs working with the Veterans Memorial Committee and many other volunteers helped to produce a Field of 2,379 Flags, symbolically one for each name inscribed on the Memorial wall. $25 sponsorships were solicited to help pay for the flags adn all excess proceeds will be presented to the Rochester Reading Center/Dyslexia Institute. If you haven't seen the new statue I suggest you do so. The statue as well as the idea and support for the Field of Flags was largely the brainchild of Rochester developer, Frank Kottchade. I had the privilege and pleasure of co-chairing the Field of Flags portion of the event with Kiwanis West Club president Wanda Mitchell and worked with Mr.Kottchade and Wayne Stillman, Chair of the Veterans Memorial Committee. I mention this because these folks have given very much time, effort, monetary support to make our Rochester community even more special and have been doing this behind the scene for many years now.

DOOR KNOCKING AND ALL THAT: I've been out just about every weekday night for the last month or so knocking on doors and handing out campaign literature. Most importantly I've had an opportunity to talk to you face-to-face which is my favorite thing to do. You've been generous with your time and gracious with your support and I thank you. I see people who are busy with their families and their jobs. The main concerns or issues so far are ones affecting them in their immediate area - speeding, need for a traffic signal, bike paths, and the occasional question about the DME. Talking and answering questions now that I've been in a position to have good information takes time and I find that I don't cover as much ground as I did in my first campaign so bear with me. I will try to get to you by November 7th but if you have any questions or concerns, as always, call me immediately -- 285-0295 or send a note to bobnow@charter.net .

Thanks and have a great Labor Day weekend.


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