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Rochester 5th Ward Information

In an attempt to close the gap between city government and its citizens, especially those I represent in Rochester's Fifth Ward, I will try to provide timely updates on issues and concerns that are under consideration for council action as well as any specific concerns you bring to my attention.

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Location: Rochester, Minnesota, United States

IBM retiree after 32 years, positions in service, marketing, product development, business and product strategy. Many community volunteer boards and committees including Diversity Council, IMAA, Sesquicentennial, RNeighbors (formerly Rochester Neighborhood Resource Center). Elected to City Council in 2002. Represent 5th Ward. Member Environmental Commission, ROCOG (Rochester Olmsted Council of Governments), State Emergency Radio Board, Co-Chair Kiwanis/Wells Fargo Hockey Festival, State Emergency Radio Board

Monday, September 10, 2007

New Ordinance Highlights Booklet

Sometime ago I mentioned that I was working on a new, improved, updated Rochester City Ordinance Highlights booklet which is intended to help you better understand the "rules" especially in regards to your relationship with your neighbors and vice versa. It's a selection of the key ordinances that may cause neighbor-to-neighbor problems, in a shortened form, with reference to the "official" ordinance as well as a phone numbest of the appropriate city department to call for more information or action.

We also tried to include references to useful city resources that many do mot know about.

This was a collaborative effort between the RNeighbors Board (of which I'm a member), citizen supporters, and the City and we thanks them all.

Printed hard copies will be available at the City Clerk's office at City Hall, the Rochester Public Library, on the information table outside the Council Chambers before every City Council meeting, and at the RNeighbors office (call 529-4150). You may find these useful to distribute to new neighbors or to discuss at Neighborhood Association meetings and the like.

You may contact me for more detail or if you'd like me to attend a neighborhood gathering to talk about this.

Oh, electronic copies and access may be had either from the Rochester City home page http://Rochestermn.gov or the RNeighbors web site http://RNeighbors.org .

Bob Nowicki


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