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Rochester 5th Ward Information

In an attempt to close the gap between city government and its citizens, especially those I represent in Rochester's Fifth Ward, I will try to provide timely updates on issues and concerns that are under consideration for council action as well as any specific concerns you bring to my attention.

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Location: Rochester, Minnesota, United States

IBM retiree after 32 years, positions in service, marketing, product development, business and product strategy. Many community volunteer boards and committees including Diversity Council, IMAA, Sesquicentennial, RNeighbors (formerly Rochester Neighborhood Resource Center). Elected to City Council in 2002. Represent 5th Ward. Member Environmental Commission, ROCOG (Rochester Olmsted Council of Governments), State Emergency Radio Board, Co-Chair Kiwanis/Wells Fargo Hockey Festival, State Emergency Radio Board

Friday, November 03, 2006

New Traffic Calming Help

The most frequent concern I hear from you has to do with drivers speeding in your neighborhood. This is extremely important to you and me because it affects our personal safety and the safety of our loved ones. It's also one of the most frustrating problems I (and the rest of the council) face.

SOoooo what can we do? A couple of years ago I announced a program which would be a collaboration between you and the police -- Traffic Tamers. The idea is that you and a couple of friends get to use a police radar gun to measure speed, log the time, speed, location, and vehicle tag number and turn all this in to Crime Prevention. They would then send a nicely worded letter (depends on your point of view) to the offender "warning " them that they have been observed driving at such and such speed in your neighborhood etc.

We think this is especially helpful when caring parents get the letter as the registered owner about the driving habits of their beloved teen. I'd think twice or three times before speeding through a certain neighborhood if I got one of these letters -- but that's me (and too many of you know what I look like!).

Traffic tamers has always depended on resident volunteers (YOU) to do the work --- until now. Don't get me wrong. We'd still like you to put some skin into the game but the problems continue, interest in doing something is expressed , but there it stops! Those of you who've tried to get your neighbors to volunteer know what I mean.

The Police have two very fine volunteer groups who are willing to help you with the Traffic Tamer program. VIPS (Volunteers In Public Safety) http://www.ci.rochester.mn.us/departments/police/crimeprevention/vips.asp and TRIAD http://www.ci.rochester.mn.us/departments/police/crimeprevention/triad.asp

What you need to do is to contact Officer Ken Plummer 281-6045 Police Department Crime Prevention/Traffic Tamer coordinator or, better yet, let the PD know about your traffic concern via the form on the city's home page. Go to http://www.rochestermn.gov/departments/police/forms/trafficconcerns.asp .

For the last 2 years I'd had a standing offer to volunteer with you if and when you're willing to try this traffic calming idea. Ball's in your court.

Bob Nowicki


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not able to volunteer at this time, but traffic calming is a big issue in our ward. Someone was telling me they heard that narrow streets, bike lanes and trees can slow traffic. Why not advocate more of those? Maybe you already are.
Congrats on the election!

November 09, 2006 3:14 PM  

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