Resolutions for 2006
To promote communication and cooperation between city government, its citizens, and its neighbors. Worked hard on this. Have invited constituents to meet with gov't workers and department heads whenever possible. Tried to keep you informed as to anything and everything affecting you and have always returned calls and had personal visits when possible.
To ask, listen and learn so I can better serve you. Hae to work on the listening and especially the learning part.
To promote and support community youth who will be our future. Been a member of the Rochester Youth Commission, Diversity Council's Predjudice Reduction Workshop faciltation team, teach Junior Achievement, and volunteer in the Read Around the World program. Bring kids to the gov't center whenever possible.
To be accessible and lend support to the citizens of Rochester. You need to be the judge of this but I've attended and hosted Friday morning coffee at Grandma's Kitchen every Friday that I've been in town since my election, have never turned down an invitation to attend a neighborhood meeting, an informational meeting, or a get-together. I have a blog site (you're reading it), take calls at all hours of the day or night, and knock on doors at random in my ward.
To work closely as a team member with all areas of city government. My 32 years of working with a wide variety of IBM support staff, engineers, finance, and field marketing have prepared me and taught me the value of team work--even though, technically, we on the council do make the final decisions on many matters.
To effectively and efficiently manage our tax dollars. One of my biggest hot buttons! This is an area that we try to watch all year long as we make operational decisions but it's not apparent. I will simply state that if you have any concerns about what I've done in this are or have any suggestions then contact me immediately.
Thanks for your patience. Have my marching orders and need to get cracking again!
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